18 February online
The World Council of Churches (WCC) will host a webinar on 18 February from 14:00-15:30 (GMT+1) entitled “Common witness on environmental justice and religious pluralism” that will explore two recent papers released by the WCC Commission on Faith and Order.
The two publications are "Cultivate and Care: An Ecumenical Theology of Justice for and within Creation” and “Love and Witness: Proclaiming the Peace of the Lord Jesus Christ in a Religiously Plural World.”
Speakers will include:
- Rev. Prof. Dr Sandra Beardsall, Professor for church history and ecumenics, The United Church of Canada
- Rev. Yolanda Pantou, Indonesian Christian Church
- Rev. Prof. Dr Kristine Culp, Dean of the Disciples Divinity House of the University of Chicago
- Dr Aaron Hollander, Associate Director of Graymoor Ecumenical and Interreligious Institute and affiliated faculty at the Centro Pro Unione , Rome
- Prof. Dr Tom Greggs, Professor and Head of Divinity at the University of Aberdeen
- Prof. Dr Wen Ge, Associate professor of systematic theology, Nanjing Union Theological Seminary
- Rev. Prof. Dr Jaeshik Shin, Professor, Honam Theological University and Seminary, Korea, PCK
- Prof. Dr Octavian Mihoc, WCC Programme executive for ecumenical relations and Faith and Order
Register here to attend the webinar