Klima – Allianz
See www.die-klima-allianz.de): initiated also by the churches (environmental representatives, Bred for the world, eed) and BUND(friends of the earth), greenpeace, but also NGOs in the field of development politics. It is a broad movement of the civil society (including regional churches). There is a position paper existing, which presents the aims and objectives. After a long period of ignoring climate change the interest is to challenge politics, civil society and every citizen to act now instead to put mitigation off. Special objectives are: starting with saving and efficiency now, a moratorium for new coal power plants, getting rid of nuclear power stations, speed imit, downsizing of cars, justice for the victims of climate change, more financial support for adaptation and a sustainable development in so called underdeveloped countries. They organize demonstrations, nationwide action days(6th of December) and challenge politics regarding specific items.
Climate protection in Germany
The brand new Climate protection initiative of the German ministry for environment supports financially municipalities and also churches in practical steps of CO2 reduction in their buildings with a considerable amount of money, coming from the sale of emission trade certificates (10&percent; were sold with returns of 400 Million €).The EKD financed a part time job in the office of Hans Diefenbacher
Der Deutsche Evangelische Kirchentag
(see: www. kirchentag.de), the biggest church (and green) event, each second year (the next will take place in Bremen, May 2009) got money by the state for a project called KEK (Kirchentags Einsparkraftwerk, in English Saving power station) The idea is to empower visitors and actors of the Kirchentag not only to save energy at the event, but to reduce CO2 (or produce Netto Watt) during the time before (combined with a CO2 calculator) e.g. through car fasting, reducing meat, more efficiency, investment in renewable… done by church institutions and individuals.
Besides that the Kirchentag will open a transparent restaurant (Gläsernes Restaurant)during the event and cook 1200 meals – everything organic and fair traded. If there is anybody who likes to join the team, please ask Jobst Kraus
Oikosnet Europe
The network of lay training centres (like Casa cares or Bad Boll) will start a project called “greening the centres†(like the green cock for parishes, but specifically for centres). See attached and www.eaalce.org
Bread for the World
The EED and Friend of the Earth Germany financed together a study called “Sustainable Germany in a globalised worldâ€. This study will be published midst October 2009, an â€appetizer†is still available. The analysis of the current situation is completed by perspectives towards a sustainable future(just and environmental friendly). An outline of the main points: right of hospitality for all people, sharing, dematerialization, decentralization, transition to a new epoch with a resource less consumption and production, environmental affluence, etc. Look at : www.zukunftsfaehiges-deutschland.de
Summary of the presentation done by Jobst Kraus, Protestant Academy of Bad Boll /Germany (partly stand in for Hans Diefenbacher), Triuggio